Hello Everyone!
There has been a lot of activity lately in the coordination of the production, the approval of the Avocado Hugger tool, and booking transport for the Food Huggers to make their way around the world. Loads of emails and lots of decisions being made.
We believe strongly in getting things done both properly,and on time!! For us, the product quality and the delivery timeline are two parts of the same promise. Once we have made a promise, we move every mountain we can to keep that promise.
With that said, sometimes it is not a mountain that sets you back, but speed bumps that slow you down.
Today's update is to let you know that as the project has moved along, our October shipping target went from being our goal, to being our hope, and now, unfortunately it is looking like it is out of reach. There are a variety of things that have bumped our shipping times backwards by one day here or three days there and it is adding up to a NOVEMBER ship date.
Food Huggers Making Travel Arrangements
We know you are all super anxious to get started hugging your fruits and veggies. We are doing everything possible to make up as much time as we can. Our new expected ship date to send Food Huggers to you is November 14-19. We know there are a lot of you that will be very disappointed to hear that October has become November. We really apologize for this disappointment. We hate to let you guys down.
Huge Hugs,
Adrienne & Michelle
a.k.a. Food Huggers